Case Studies

Thursday August 18, 2022 - Posted by:


Locaria analysed the Fusion 360 YouTube channel, providing best practice guidelines, search demand analysis, identification of content gaps and recommendations for improvement to drive more organic video engagement. 

Locaria analysed Fusion 360’s YouTube channel and provided best practice guidelines, recommendations for improvement, full features and content analysis, identification of content gaps, opportunities for growth and improved User Experience (UX). Extensive research of competitors’ channels was also carried out for comparison.

At the end of the analysis, Autodesk was able to utilise Locaria’s research and recommendations to implement changes to video content on its channels and generate more views and subscribers. These changes are expected to bring incremental, long-term benefits for its existing videos, new products and future campaigns. 

Check out the full case study to find out more about how optimising video content can help drive traffic, visibility, and engaged audiences: Autodesk Fusion 360 – Optimising Video Content to Drive Traffic and Increase Visibility