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    Digitisation is rapidly transforming and increasing competition across the Banking and Finance sector.

    We work with clients to translate and localise content for any market, while keeping up with fast-moving terminology developments (e.g. around cryptocurrencies and blockchain), to maximise relevancy for multilingual audiences.

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    Digital marketing for banking, finance and insurance products is increasingly competitive. With the commercial demands of product marketing combined with compliance requirements, linguistic precision in localisation is essential. Locaria works with brands in the sector to ensure that all digital assets and campaigns are aligned to the overall business tone of voice, customer audience and uses language and terminologies that ensure best practice.

    With the complexities of new and emerging product and technology options, reaching the right end users in their language drives customer acquisition and growth. Building customer trust is key for established and emerging financial services brands, and can only be done if content is authentic, engaging and current. Our extensive network of content analysts sits deep in market, ensuring localised copy reflects the latest terminology while helping our clients to identify the drivers for consumption of financial products which can be heavily impacted by local lifestyles and culture.

    Working to ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 compliance and with a deep foundation in data analytics, we are able to advise on campaign strategies taking into consideration the wider customer requirements for transparency in advertising and supporting collateral.

    For organisations with a global breadth, our insight into local trends and our performance linguistics solution can drive engagement in new markets, resulting in significantly faster return on investment and lower risk.

    Featured Case Studies

    Optimising Video Content to Drive Engagement

    Optimising Video Content to Drive Engagement

    Driving more traffic and improving visibility by optimising video content, keyword analysis, customer queries and competitor analysis.

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    The Power Of Strategic Localisation Planning

    The Power Of Strategic Localisation Planning

    Molekule – Leveraging Multilingual Content to Drive International Growth Gaining key, international market insights and using data to develop...

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    Scaling Multilingual SEO Across Europe

    Scaling Multilingual SEO Across Europe

    RETAILResearch shows that the closer you are to the first position in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page),...

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