Korean Call-to-Actions


Tuesday March 31, 2020 - Posted by:

Using the correct call-to-action is an essential part of digital marketing.  If you translate your website calls to action  into Korean, it is essential to use the Korean CTAs that are culturally as well as linguistically correct.

Korean call to action

A call to action (CTA) is a phrase in marketing copy that encourages the target audience to do engage with the content in some way. The goal of the CTA can be varied, from encouraging users to subscribe, read more, sign-up, and more.

However, when translating CTAs, it is important that they are localised for the target audience, to ensure that they are effective.  As an example, a very common CTA in English is ‘learn more’.  In Korean, a direct translation sounds unusual and rigid and is unlikely to engage audiences. Instead, it should be replaced with 발견해보세요, which is equivalent to ‘discover’.

Also, CTAs which address limited offers need to be treaded lightly as the Korean language is very sensitive and a little change in wording or tone of voice might make something like ‘you’re running out of time’ sound rude.

The following list are examples of calls to action in Korean which can increase your conversion rate and audience engagement.

Top Korean call-to-actions (CTAs):

English (closest translation) Korean
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Find out more

Check out our French CTAs examples!

Locaria can help you plan and execute your international marketing efforts with focused market research, translation, localisation and other multilingual strategies. To find out more, call us on +44 (0)20 3948 6800.

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