Nicola Pegoraro Scoops the ATC Innovator of the Year Award


Thursday October 6, 2022 - Posted by:

Content Delivery Director, Nicola Pegoraro, landed the distinguished title of ‘Innovator of the Year’ at the Association of Translation Companies Awards Ceremony 2022.

Nicola Pegoraro has been innovating with Locaria since he joined the company in May 2020, and has now been officially recognised for his achievements with the title of Innovator of the Year by the Association of Translation Companies (ATC). This year also saw Locaria’s Ciara Nugent nominated as a finalist in the Project Manager of the Year category.

ATC’s language-industry event took place on the 21st September 2022 and began with a stargazing conference at Church House, directly in the heart of Westminster. The annual conference brings language professionals from all over the world together to discuss the continually changing landscape of the language industry and its projections over the next five years, and concludes with a prestigious awards ceremony and gala dinner.

From 2019 to 2021, Locaria has been awarded with the ATC Company of the Year Award, Translator of the Year Award and Project Manager Award. This year has been no exception to adding awards under the belt of our exceptional talent force – however, this is one that puts Locaria at the forefront of language-industry innovation. 

Nicola received particular commendation from the judges for his
“development work with Locaria’s content-intelligence platform which drives his company forward at a technical, operational, and innovative level”. 

This achievement was highly focussed on an editing tool – Prism – where Nicola has worked tirelessly to create an ecosystem which integrates a full arsenal of new, linguistic features from Locaria’s Locate platform. This innovative fusion between language and creative means that creative assets, including video, can now be edited and annotated in real-time while maintaining the advanced language features of a translation tool. 

Prism is Locaria’s latest translation innovation and Locaria’s response to the growing creative-agency demand. Strengthening the capabilities of Locate and its advanced asset-management features, this innovative software has been conceived to offer a seamless user experience and unique features – blending visual annotation capabilities of DAM with advanced language-review options. 

“It’s fantastic for Nicola’s talent and energy to receive industry-wide recognition. Nicola understands not only what clients are looking for, but the complex technical landscape they operate in, and is able to identify solutions at pace. Driving ideas through to execution is where innovation really adds value, and we could not have delivered Prism without Nicola’s tenacity and commitment.” said Locaria COO, Lindsay Hong.

Innovation is one of Locaria’s core values and we are delighted that our workforce continues to innovate, and stays ahead in the fast-evolving world of omni-channel localisation. 

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