We help clients to adapt questions with relevancy and insensitivity in many languages worldwide. We can cast relevant target consumers and conduct recorded interviews in their local language to really understand how they feel about a brand, what they think about their products and services or how their market as a whole currently views a certain idea.
Understanding how a consumer perceives a brand, and its values, products or services is essential to creating localised content which resonates with your target audience. Our voice-of-customer localisation solutions add value to global branding projects by engaging customers directly and in their own language.
We provide subtitled videos back to our clients which allow them to see interviewees’ reaction to a question. Seeing a consumer expressing their opinion and ideas in their native environment provides rich qualitative insight and understanding of local expectations and nuances.
All videos will be fully transcribed in the local language and translated into the client’s preferred target language for analysis. We can combine this with wider qualitative market research and insight projects, with coding.
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